Allen 707-46 Lakewood 46" Rifle Case, Buffalo Plaid

ID: 707-46   UPC: 026509045021

View More Items by: Allen

Regular Price: $39.99 $35.99

SALE ends: January 08 , 2025

Availability in stock, 1 Available

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Product Information

The Lakewood Rifle Case has a plaid design that gives you an old-fashioned look and the thick padding keeps your gun protected. A properly placed carry handle gives you a balanced feel if you have to carry your rifle for longer periods of time.

Product Details

The Lakewood Rifle Case has a plaid design that gives you an old-fashioned look and the thick padding keeps your gun protected. A properly placed carry handle gives you a balanced feel if you have to carry your rifle for longer periods of time.

Product Features

  • Locking Rifle Case
  • Convenient Carry Handles
  • Thick Padding Keeps your Gun Protected


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