Hoppe's 1-2-3 Done Complete Firearm Cleaning Kit for Rifles Chambered in .30 Caliber Includes Bore Solvent/Lubricating Oil/Bore Snake

ID: 110030CN   UPC: 026285100310

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Product Information

Hoppe's new 1-2-3 Done Complete firearm cleaning kit is the easiest way to clean and service your favorite firearm. The kit contains everything you need in order to complete a simple 3 step cleaning process. Included within the kit is a bottle of solvent, a bottle of lubricating oil, and a bore snake. This kit is available in several different caliber's and caliber combinations. Please see the description below for a detailed description of what is included.

Specifications and Features:
Hoppe's 1-2-3 Done Cleaning Kit 110030
Complete Firearm Cleaning Kit
3 Simple Steps
Easy to Use

Rifle Length Bore Snake
Hoppe's #9 Gun Bore Solvent Cleaner
Hoppe's #9 Lubricating Oil

Rifles chambered in .30 Caliber


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