MCARBO Kel-Tec Sub-2000 Buttstock Pad 211102223333

ID: 211102223333   UPC: 200001064128

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Product Information

KEL-TEC SUB-2000 Buttstock Pad
- Custom Molded SUB-2000 Butt Pad to reduce felt recoil and improve shooting stability.
- Extends Length of Pull by Nearly 1 Inch for a Perfect Adjustment.
- Best KEL TEC SUB 2000 Buttstock Pad to reduce Felt Recoil and After Shooting Hickeys!
- Custom Molded SUB-2000 Buttstock Pad for SUB2K!
- Best SUB-2000 Buttstock Upgrade to Reduce Felt Recoil and Provide more Consistent Stability!
- Extends Length of Pull by Nearly 1 Inch. Perfect Adjustment!
- Works for Gen 2 - 9mm or 40Cal Versions
- Custom Military Style SUB-2000 Butt Pad designed with the M*CARBO Brotherhood.
- Protected by the M*CARBO 100% Lifetime Guarantee
- Made in the USA!

Custom Molded KEL TEC SUB 2000 Buttstock Pad to reduce felt recoil. New KEL TEC SUB 2000 Butt Pad is Flat to provide equal distribution of recoil in shooters shoulder. Custom Molded KEL TEC SUB 2000 Butt Pad for a More Solid and Stable Shooting Position! Flat Military Design of New KEL TEC SUB 2000 Recoil Pad makes shouldering SUB-2000 easier and more consistent. Adds nearly 1 Inch of Length to your Factory Buttstock, which is a must for most shooters!

Best KEL TEC SUB 2000 Buttstock Upgrade to provide aid in a more flat and stable shooting platform when shouldering your SUB2K! Custom Molded KEL TEC SUB 2000 Recoil Pad makes shooting your SUB-2000 much more comfortable and eliminates impact distractions.

Best KEL TEC SUB 2000 Buttstock Pad to reduce Felt Recoil and After Shooting Hickeys! Superior KEL TEC SUB 2000 Accessories by Combat Veterans at M*CARBO! Custom KEL TEC SUB 2000 Mods created with M*CARBO Brotherhood!

Works for Gen 2 - 9mm or 40Cal Versions. Will not work for the Gen 1.

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