Canuck Vertical front grip 1913 style rail CAN011

ID: CAN011   UPC: 18209530

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Canuck Vertical front grip to fit 1913 style rail


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4.7/5.0 (Based on 3 Reviews)

AlbertaStrong 1468 days ago

Tight Very good fit. Very solid feeling. Can't be beat at this price!

Ben F 843 days ago

Good quality, doesnt fit Ruger PC Carbine front rail Great build quality, and the compartment is handy and easy to access, but the footprint on a rail is too unnecessarily long and wont fit on shorter rails like the stock ruger pc front rail (non mlok versions). So keep that in mind when choosing a grip.

Eldon Lear 808 days ago

PC Carbine Mlock version Attached to the picatinny rail that comes with the Mlock barrel this grip is seriously TIGHT. The storage area in the grip is great for emergency supplies.