Henry Golden Boy Firefighter Tribute Edition Lever Action Rifle .22LR 20" Barrel 16 Rounds American Walnut Stock Brasslite Receiver H004FM


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Product Information

Now is your opportunity to own this gorgeous commemorative edition of Henry's most popular rifle. Built on the renowned reliability and accuracy or the Henry Golden Boy, the Fireman Tribute Edition was created in celebration and recognition of all the firefighters who answer a call of distress. This is a limited production run rifle.

.22 Short/Long/Long Rifle
21 Rounds of .22 Short
16 Rounds of .22 Long or Long Rifle
20" Blued Barrel
Lever Action Rifle
American Walnut Wood Stock
Brasslite Receiver
Brass Buttplate
Marbles Fully Adjustable Semi-Buckhorn rear sight
Brass Beaded Front Sight
Overall Length 38.5"
Overall Weight 6.75 LBS


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