Hoppe's Universal Shotgun Gun Cleaning Kit w/Aluminum Rods SGOUB

ID: SGOUBCN   UPC: 26285131543

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Product Information

More than 100 years in the gun-care business has taught us a thing or two about what makes a good kit. Precisely why hunters, shooters and those in search of the perfect gift continually turn to Hoppe's. Their Shotgun cleaning kits aren't just convenient, they're extremely well thought out. Available in reusable plastic boxes with mounted instructions and more economical clamshell versions.

Hoppe's Shotgun Cleaning Kit includes:
- Hoppe's No. 9 Solvent, 2 oz.
- Hoppe's Lubricating Oil, 2 oz.
- Patches, round die-cut cotton patches for an absorbent surface with deep cleaning
- Slotted ends and adapters, where appropriate
- Aluminum Cleaning Rods
- Re-usable Plastic packaging
- Does not come with brushes

Fits:Universal Shotgun


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