Hornady Lock-N-Load Small Primer Tube Kit, Small, Pack of 3

ID: 200-398509   UPC: 090255985092

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Product Information

Size: Small

Pack of 3

Hornady's Lock-N-Load ammo press is a classic among firearm enthusiast and a fantastic way to customize your ammunition while eventually saving money in doing so. If you use one of these fine machines, then you should also pick up the Hornady Lock-N-Load Primer Tube Kit, Small.

These Reloading Tools & Gauges finely crafted by Hornady allow you to load more rounds into your casings without stopping to refill primers. Plus, the Lock-N-Load Primer Pick-Up Tube Kit is compatible with the Lock-N-Load AP and Lock-N-Load Iron Press. Grab the Hornady Lock-N-Load Small Reload Tube Kit today to speed up your loading process.

Please note that this kit is NOT compatible with the 1911 Auto Primer Tube Filler.


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