Hunters Specialties Speed Camo Tri-Color Makeup

ID: HS-00261   UPC: 021291002610

View More Items by: Hunters Specialties

Regular Price: $8.99 $8.09

SALE ends: December 25 , 2024

Availability in stock, 3 Available

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Product Information

Speed Camo Tri-Color Makeup gives hunters quick access to three camo colors in a convenient pocket sized applicator.

The Speed Camo allows hunters to use the individual camo sticks to create custom patterns or by using two or three sticks in the Speed Camo applicator, up to two inches of coverage can be applied with one swipe.

Speed Camo makeup can be easily removed with soap and water or Hunter’s Specialties handy Camo-Off make-up remover pads. The Speed Camo applicator keeps the mess off of your hands.


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