MCARBO Ruger SP101 / GP100 Trigger Spring Kit 357 Mag / 38 Special / 327 Mag / 9mm 200033112220357

ID: 200033112220357   UPC: 200001080852

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Product Information

Ruger SP101 / GP100 Trigger Spring Kit, Includes:
Custom Lighter 9.5lb Hammer Spring
Custom Lighter 7.5lb Trigger Retrun Spring
Four .005" Hammer Shims
Four .001" Trigger Shims

M*CARBO Ruger SP101 Accesories made right here in America! Custom Lighter Ruger SP101 Spring Kit for a smooth and clean trigger pull. Best Ruger SP101 Trigger Job for the money hands down! Custom Manufactured Ruger SP101 Accessories to improve performance and accuracy! The Ruger SP101 / GP100 Trigger Spring Kit is also compatatible with Ruger GP100 Accessories!

**Works for all SP101 / GP100 Calibers: 357 Mag, 38 Spl, 327 Mag, 22LR**

Ruger SP101 / GP100 Trigger Spring Kit is the Ulitmate Ruger SP101 Trigger Job in one easy package! Ruger GP100 Trigger Job compatible as well! Ruger SP101 Accessories should include a Custom Trigger Job near the top of your list! Will also work for your Ruger GP 100 Accessories for a crisp trigger pull!


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