Pro-Shot .6.5mm Jag Spear Tip Jag

ID: J6.5B   UPC: 709779300266

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Regular Price: $7.99 $7.19

SALE ends: March 05 , 2025

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Product Information

.6.5mm Jag Spear Tip Jag

Pro-Shot’s Benchrest Quality spear tip brass jag keeps the cleaning patch in place running through the bore. The most efficient and effective way to clean a bore is with a jag draped with a patch that completely covers the bore.   This reduces cleaning time and provides a superior clean barrel.  Pro-Shot designs each jag to match up with our cleaning rods for a totally smooth fit.   With our vast work and knowledge on manufacturing parts over the years, we developed what we like to call the Pro-Shot System. The Pro-Shot System is a simple superior solution: Use our cleaning rod, jag, and cleaning patches for a perfect fit every time you clean!



· Pro-Shot System - Precision Engineered Design, Fit, & Function

· Fits smoothly with Pro-Shot .22/26 Cal. Cleaning Rods

· Precision #8-32 Threads

· Jag Stamped with size for easy identification

· Made in USA 

Jag Thread Information:  All Pro-Shot Jags are mfg. with American Standard Threading

· .17 and .20 Cal. - #5-40 thread   
· Rifle and Pistol - #8-32 thread
· Shotgun - #5/16-27 thread


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