UCO Stormproof Matches - 2 Boxes, 50 Matches
ID: MT-SM2-UCO UPC: 054269000172
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Availability in stock, 16 Available
Fire up the grill, light your lantern or start a campfire, no matter the weather. UCO Stormproof Matches light up quickly and consistently in driving rain, heavy winds and falling snow—and will relight even after being submerged in water. Each box includes 25 matches that burn for up to 15 seconds each, plus extra strikers. That totals over 6 minutes/box worth of constant, reliable fire for your backpack, emergency kit or glove box. Pack fire, travel well.
CAUTION: For outdoor use by adults only. Carefully monitor lit matches until completely burned. Store extra strikers in protective sleeves after use to keep dry. Store matches separately from strikers to prevent accidental ignition.